Invest in our school community... Continue a program of excellence… Watch our students thrive!


Welcome to the new Fairburn school year!!  We are thrilled to have your family as part of our incredible Fairburn community and look forward to a year filled with all of the unique programs and traditions that make Fairburn the gem it is, such as our Computer Lab, Science Assemblies, International Night, Bootober/Fall Festival, Movie Night, and so much more!!  All of this is made possible only with the financial investment of families like yours, who are helping to build and sustain programs beyond what LAUSD can offer.  Your pledge of $950 per child will allow Fairburn to invest in key areas of the school and community, and continue to build on our program of excellence and encourage our children to thrive.  Although we understand that every family has a different financial circumstance, we ask that you give what you can, so that we reach 100% participation.


Every year at Fairburn, among many other things, FAB funds:


  1. Teacher’s Aides (TAs) in every classroom to provide more small-group work and focused attention for students
  2. Physical Education & Psychomotor Instruction every week for every classroom with our fully funded P.E. Coach
  3. Computer Lab hardware and programming & instruction through ComputerWiseKids (new this year!)
  4. Field trips, community building events, supplies, equipment, and more


Please be as generous as you can to help us reach our goal, as every pledge is meaningful to the community as a whole. FAB is a Section 501(c)3 nonprofit and your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Thank you!



DONOR LEVELS (per child enrolled at Fairburn)


PHOENIX CIRCLE ($2,000 and above or $223/month for 9 months)

All families who pledge at this level per child will receive a customized banner hung on the gate surrounding the school.  In addition, your family name will be added to our exclusive Phoenix Circle Banner!


BANNER LEVEL ($1,200 or $134/month for 9 months)

All families who pledge at this level per child will receive a customized banner hung on the gate surrounding the school!


FAIRBURN PARTNER ($950 or $105/month for 9 months)

Thank you for your full share of support for the school!



Please give what you can… Every dollar pledged helps.


You can make your pledge in a one-time payment, or if you would prefer we can divide your pledge into nine monthly payments. Please choose the donation option that’s right for your family!  You may also donate via Zelle at fairburnavenueboosters@gmail.com (please include your child’s name & room number, or you may return this form electronically to fairburnavenueboosters@gmail.com, or turn it into the silver FAB box in the school office with your check or credit card information.